How many other people not feeling quite merry this year? I'm at home with my sons, the wife's away and I'm pretty sure the holidays would have been much more fun for them if they were too. No gifts for anyone this year....from me at least. The boys seem fine though, just a regular day for them. I guess they've spent the past two or three Christmases abroad so they've accepted the fact that being home would be different.
I told someone a few weeks ago that I'll be Mr. Scrooge this year but I got it wrong, Scrooge was wealthy.
I have to try and reassure myself all the time that I do have a lot to be thankful for - I have a place to live, there is food in the house, we're healthy, I have a car to go wherever....I have a loving wife, children, extended family and friends.....a job and career (if I may say so).. And I've been able to maintain a decent quality/standard of living. So I do have a lot to be grateful for, and I am. Sometimes the smallest things just get to me.
And you know, I guess one of the things that's picking at me is the fact that I'm leaving Jamaica tomorrow to go to Nigeria with Shaggy. That's my least favorite place in the world to be and it irritates me that this time around I'm compelled to go. After my first trip to Nigeria I told them I'd never go back and they've actually had shows over there which I declined....They've also been to other African countries which I opted not to go as well. And each time they return everyone says the trip was good. Now given my situation I'm going, trying to be open-minded and optimistic that I will have a good time. I am eager for the day to come when the decision of where and when to travel is mine to make and money won't be the deciding factor.
What else is bugging me? I won't get into it...lets just say the usual stuff that I've blogged about previously.
So what am I up to today?
Continued to work on a song from yesterday (added a bass line), made breakfast for the boys and myself, straightened up the kitchen, now I'm online. When I'm done with this blog I'm going to put some guitars on the track I mentioned, get my workout on and then we'll start getting ready to head up to my uncle's house for Christmas dinner with the rest of the family - my dad, uncles, bro and their families etc.
Thanks for your time
Blessings To You
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Yesterday I was at the studio - decided to do some backing vocals for two songs I'm working on. Yeah, me...singing right...It's something I decided to take on recently. I still don't fancy my voice much, actually listening to the demos I did yesterday brought me back to when I was a teenager and had a band with my bro and some friends. We did some recordings and we all sang. My voice hasn't changed much since. The one thing is that I now have better knowledge about certain techniques and my hearing is better so at least I can try or do things with a better understanding of how it will turn out.
So yeah, eventually theses songs will be on an album. I've got the title already too. I'm just taking it one song at a time though...gonna get out two singles between Spring and Summer 2011.
Singing I believe is a total surrender, you have to let go of all inhibitions, everything and let the song flow through you. I've always had a problem expressing myself and showing emotion. I can do it on the guitar, but maybe now it's time for a new form of expression. A new me in a sense....for all the things I've never expressed verbally, I will express through or not my voice is the greatest.
I must say, I do admire singers, especially the great ones. But I've learned that although vocal ability is a great plus, that's not what makes a great song. It's the connection, the emotion and the message which the singer conveys that people can relate to. There are many great singers, many great songwriters, many great artist and I tip my hat to them all.
Will I be among the greats some day? Only time will tell. But I won't ever have the chance unless I try, starting now.
Love U
So yeah, eventually theses songs will be on an album. I've got the title already too. I'm just taking it one song at a time though...gonna get out two singles between Spring and Summer 2011.
Singing I believe is a total surrender, you have to let go of all inhibitions, everything and let the song flow through you. I've always had a problem expressing myself and showing emotion. I can do it on the guitar, but maybe now it's time for a new form of expression. A new me in a sense....for all the things I've never expressed verbally, I will express through or not my voice is the greatest.
I must say, I do admire singers, especially the great ones. But I've learned that although vocal ability is a great plus, that's not what makes a great song. It's the connection, the emotion and the message which the singer conveys that people can relate to. There are many great singers, many great songwriters, many great artist and I tip my hat to them all.
Will I be among the greats some day? Only time will tell. But I won't ever have the chance unless I try, starting now.
Love U
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Just one of them days
I'm so frustrated and miserable right now....had to let it out...i just wanna scream FUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!!!AAAHHHHHH FUUUCK!!!!! But I can't, cuz that's not my personality. :-) Twisted aren't I?
So yesterday evening I was on my way out, car wouldn't start. Figured it was the battery, it was. Called my dad's wife for her to help jump start my car this morning, she did. I went on the road, to check it out. Dude fixed the corrosion issue happening on the battery terminals and said the battery was fine - no charge. I left there and went to sort out another issue I felt on the car - it was kinda wobbling at the back. Turns out I needed tires....fine. Didn't have to buy a battery (so I thought), but I still have to spend some money to buy tires. Cool...went to my usual tire place, got a pair of tires - only the back ones were worn. Based on my budget now, I went to get a few things at the supermarket. Now bare in mind the tires cost 30% more than what I would have spent on a battery.
Ok, that's done, car running good all day since I got the jump this morning and the guy said the battery is good. Been home since about 2pm so the car has just been sitting there. Had plans to go clubbing, actually my main reason was to link up with a DJ and drop off two CDs. Went down stairs to the car for something and behold..the fucking thing was acting up (alarm) I know the battery is out. And to confirm, I tried starting it up...NOTHING!!!
Now it's looking like I actually have to go buy that battery tomorrow...can I say fuck again? FUUUUUUUCCCCK!!!!
Ok I think that's enough swearing for one blog....maybe enough for a couple. *sigh*
Everything happens for a reason, this too shall pass. This too shall pass...this too shall pass.
Thanks for your time.
Love U
So yesterday evening I was on my way out, car wouldn't start. Figured it was the battery, it was. Called my dad's wife for her to help jump start my car this morning, she did. I went on the road, to check it out. Dude fixed the corrosion issue happening on the battery terminals and said the battery was fine - no charge. I left there and went to sort out another issue I felt on the car - it was kinda wobbling at the back. Turns out I needed tires....fine. Didn't have to buy a battery (so I thought), but I still have to spend some money to buy tires. Cool...went to my usual tire place, got a pair of tires - only the back ones were worn. Based on my budget now, I went to get a few things at the supermarket. Now bare in mind the tires cost 30% more than what I would have spent on a battery.
Ok, that's done, car running good all day since I got the jump this morning and the guy said the battery is good. Been home since about 2pm so the car has just been sitting there. Had plans to go clubbing, actually my main reason was to link up with a DJ and drop off two CDs. Went down stairs to the car for something and behold..the fucking thing was acting up (alarm) I know the battery is out. And to confirm, I tried starting it up...NOTHING!!!
Now it's looking like I actually have to go buy that battery tomorrow...can I say fuck again? FUUUUUUUCCCCK!!!!
Ok I think that's enough swearing for one blog....maybe enough for a couple. *sigh*
Everything happens for a reason, this too shall pass. This too shall pass...this too shall pass.
Thanks for your time.
Love U
Wrote this on Satruday, wasn't delivered via email.
Subject: Church........really?
Ok so I'm here waiting to play and its off to a late start already.
I invited my mom with the hopes of having her change churches...
I really don't like the activities I hear about that takes place
in the one she goes to. But now I see my intentions are futile. She invited one of her church sisters and as she arrived....hmmmm.....
to make a long story short, they don't like this church. Now seriously,
what is the whole foundation of church? Isn't it to give praise and
thanks to our Creator? When did personal opinion, thoughts or views
come into play? What happened to "love thy neighbour"?
This is why I'm never interested in coming to church. And the thing is,
when you're a selfish, self-centered, egotistical, control freak type
of an asshole that's one thing. But imagine someone who is a selfish,
self-centered, egotistical, control freak and an asshole who has
strong religious or spiritual beliefs, or even superstitious
beliefs.... - OMG! Now I'm not saying that I know such a person....hmm, on
the other hand maybe I do. So, I'm never interested in church here because its never only about
giving praise or thanks. Its about the gossip, the voodoo, who's doing
what to who and the list of negatives goes on and on. Yet everyone pretends
to be here for the right reasons. Oh, and not to mention all the
ones who are at church only to pray or beg "the lord" for all the
worldly things they desire instead of giving thanks for all that HE has
already given them. Now I know that there are a few true Christians here and I must
say blessings to them. But I'd rather take my chances giving
thanks, praises and acknowledging my own blessings in my own
quiet space and time. Thank You
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thoughts - Moments In Time
Have you ever had a moment that you wish would last forever, a moment that for moments afterwards you try and keep it at the center of your thoughts in hopes of reliving that moment over and over again? Perhaps its a first kiss with your now life long partner, maybe your first orgsam, the feeling of seeing your first child come into this world. Maybe its the joy of graduating with honors - the way you felt when your name was called, hearing your song on the radio for the first time or remembering a simple kind gesture from a stranger.
Whatever it is, we all have moments in our lives that we try and hold on to. Some are great, others not quite worth remembering but we choose to hold on to them anyway. But the truth is, what's done is done, past moments are but memories. Its quite a cliché to say "live in the moment", or "live each moment as if its your last". That is truly impossible, I think. Instead, seize each moment of opportunity when it presents itself. Then there will be special moments to remember.
So what am I up to today? Reflecting on past moments and experiences, thinking about present circumstances and hoping for a greater future.
Here's a message I received on my BB today:
"Remember, life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly , kiss lips slowly, love truly, laugh a lot, and never regret anything that made you smile"
Thank You
Peace, Love and Happiness.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Whatever it is, we all have moments in our lives that we try and hold on to. Some are great, others not quite worth remembering but we choose to hold on to them anyway. But the truth is, what's done is done, past moments are but memories. Its quite a cliché to say "live in the moment", or "live each moment as if its your last". That is truly impossible, I think. Instead, seize each moment of opportunity when it presents itself. Then there will be special moments to remember.
So what am I up to today? Reflecting on past moments and experiences, thinking about present circumstances and hoping for a greater future.
Here's a message I received on my BB today:
"Remember, life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly , kiss lips slowly, love truly, laugh a lot, and never regret anything that made you smile"
Thank You
Peace, Love and Happiness.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I haven't been to a church service since I was a child. I've been to weddings, a memorial service my sons graduations but that's about it. Now in one weekend I'll be at two different churches in Jamaica for this performance/album launch. With few rehearsals, 5 artists to play for and about 25 songs it should be an interesting weekend.
The keyboard player, is delighted to finally have me in his church. He runs the whole music admin side of things here. I'm just curious to see how many people are going to approach me later tonight and try and convert me to Christianity.
I do love Junior's music though. Since his first gospel album. I actually worked on it. And now some 9 or 10 years later, here we are again.
So I'm here at the church, they're setting up the gear for the sound check.
On a different of the guys in the band just told me he had chickenpox ..he saw the bumps on Thursday and didn't know what it was. He went to the doc yesterday and found out what they were. Wow..I caught it when I was a teen...maybe 5 of us in the house had it. It's very contagious. I'm not sure he knows that. I should be immune though. I'm pretty sure I am. Just thinking about it now and remembering, my skin feels itchy .... I really hated that experience.... And he looks fine now but I know pretty soon he's going to be ill...Cuz it's not just about the bumps/rash on the skin, it does make you feel really ill too.
Anyhow enough of that....Look for Junior Tucker's album online soon - GOOGLE IT "Man Of God".
They edited a lot of the guitar parts out but there are still some nice guitars on there. The album overall has some nice songs. ....
Still getting the power together here, been here an hour waiting. The sun is beginning to come out from the clouds outside and I can feel the heat creeping up in here. Nope, no AC in this church..a lot of ceiling fans - non of them on at the moment.... and 95% of the windows are still closed.....*Sigh*
Note to self - Monday is less than 72hrs away. Rest and relaxation.
Peace, Love & Happiness
The keyboard player, is delighted to finally have me in his church. He runs the whole music admin side of things here. I'm just curious to see how many people are going to approach me later tonight and try and convert me to Christianity.
I do love Junior's music though. Since his first gospel album. I actually worked on it. And now some 9 or 10 years later, here we are again.
So I'm here at the church, they're setting up the gear for the sound check.
On a different of the guys in the band just told me he had chickenpox ..he saw the bumps on Thursday and didn't know what it was. He went to the doc yesterday and found out what they were. Wow..I caught it when I was a teen...maybe 5 of us in the house had it. It's very contagious. I'm not sure he knows that. I should be immune though. I'm pretty sure I am. Just thinking about it now and remembering, my skin feels itchy .... I really hated that experience.... And he looks fine now but I know pretty soon he's going to be ill...Cuz it's not just about the bumps/rash on the skin, it does make you feel really ill too.
Anyhow enough of that....Look for Junior Tucker's album online soon - GOOGLE IT "Man Of God".
They edited a lot of the guitar parts out but there are still some nice guitars on there. The album overall has some nice songs. ....
Still getting the power together here, been here an hour waiting. The sun is beginning to come out from the clouds outside and I can feel the heat creeping up in here. Nope, no AC in this church..a lot of ceiling fans - non of them on at the moment.... and 95% of the windows are still closed.....*Sigh*
Note to self - Monday is less than 72hrs away. Rest and relaxation.
Peace, Love & Happiness
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Rehearsals & Rehearsals?
Can you believe after going to rehearsals with Tessanne for two days and not resting, learning the music etc. the show has been canceled? She's really pissed. I'm not pissed but I could have used the money :-) I'm like, "life is like that"'s the business, not expected from the corporate world at the last minute but, it is what it is. I think there's some good from the whole situation though - it gave me an idea for something...when it materializes I will share it.
So my second rehearsal today, again, was for Junior Tucker's launch this weekend. Hmm, let's just say the world of gospel does have it's share of "human nature"...after all , that's what we all are, HUMANS. What do I mean? Ok, my perception of the gospel genre is as it relates to Christians - doing the right thing, the right way, the Lord's way or as HE would see fit. But, as I said, we're all humans and we do what humans do - whatever pleases us.
Don't get me wrong, there is no real issue with Junior or anyone else. It's just that things aren't being dealt with in a manner that I had expected. ....That's it.
My mom came to my apartment today, first since I've lived here. Don't ask...Anyhow, it was hmmmm, how can I say this.....hmmmm, it was mom as usual. ..
I'm falling asleep here, won't elaborate on the mom thing.. Ahh, I finally can sleep in tomorrow, NO SCHOOL FOR THE KIDS!!!! The school system here in Jamaica actually wasted my time and energy this week though. Salim (my eldest) had only one class on Monday and nothing else this whole week. And each day the number of students in attendance would depreciate more and more. Today there were only two from his class present, including him. His form teacher has been absent since yesterday, yet they told all the students that it was mandatory for them to be at school Mon to Thur this week.. A fassy dem.
Anyhow, its bedtime for me...Love yah
So my second rehearsal today, again, was for Junior Tucker's launch this weekend. Hmm, let's just say the world of gospel does have it's share of "human nature"...after all , that's what we all are, HUMANS. What do I mean? Ok, my perception of the gospel genre is as it relates to Christians - doing the right thing, the right way, the Lord's way or as HE would see fit. But, as I said, we're all humans and we do what humans do - whatever pleases us.
Don't get me wrong, there is no real issue with Junior or anyone else. It's just that things aren't being dealt with in a manner that I had expected. ....That's it.
My mom came to my apartment today, first since I've lived here. Don't ask...Anyhow, it was hmmmm, how can I say this.....hmmmm, it was mom as usual. ..
I'm falling asleep here, won't elaborate on the mom thing.. Ahh, I finally can sleep in tomorrow, NO SCHOOL FOR THE KIDS!!!! The school system here in Jamaica actually wasted my time and energy this week though. Salim (my eldest) had only one class on Monday and nothing else this whole week. And each day the number of students in attendance would depreciate more and more. Today there were only two from his class present, including him. His form teacher has been absent since yesterday, yet they told all the students that it was mandatory for them to be at school Mon to Thur this week.. A fassy dem.
Anyhow, its bedtime for me...Love yah
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Rehearsals and Rehearsals
Is it only me or whenever you have nothing to do there is just nothing and when something comes up to be done there is a whole lot of somethings to do?
Today I have two rehearsals, did one already and the other is in an hour. Same thing tomorrow. Then the gigs are on Friday Saturday and Sunday. And remember that I just came back from Mauritius and I leave for Nigeria next Sunday. Now you may think that tis the season to be jolly that's why I'm so busy but none of these gigs are related to the holiday season.
This is usually the trend with me though. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying instead of cramming all this in a week, it could have been a little different.
Anyhow, the rehearsal earlier was actually good. I'm rehearsing an acoustic set with another guitarist for Tessanne Chin, Fridays gig. The other guitarist is Andrew Simpson, great guy, awesome musician. If you've ever seen Morgan Heritage live or heard the live album that was recorded in Amsterdam, he's the one on lead guitar. I've never done a performance with him and its looking to be a fun one.
Later on tonight now its Junior Tucker's album launch rehearsal...I played on the album so he asked me to sit in. This one is kind of out of my usuall sort of thing because its gospel and the shows are at church. Should be interesting though. I know the band will be great, I know most of the guys so I'm looking forward to getting over with this weekend in a joyfull manner. With that said, its time to leave the house.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Today I have two rehearsals, did one already and the other is in an hour. Same thing tomorrow. Then the gigs are on Friday Saturday and Sunday. And remember that I just came back from Mauritius and I leave for Nigeria next Sunday. Now you may think that tis the season to be jolly that's why I'm so busy but none of these gigs are related to the holiday season.
This is usually the trend with me though. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying instead of cramming all this in a week, it could have been a little different.
Anyhow, the rehearsal earlier was actually good. I'm rehearsing an acoustic set with another guitarist for Tessanne Chin, Fridays gig. The other guitarist is Andrew Simpson, great guy, awesome musician. If you've ever seen Morgan Heritage live or heard the live album that was recorded in Amsterdam, he's the one on lead guitar. I've never done a performance with him and its looking to be a fun one.
Later on tonight now its Junior Tucker's album launch rehearsal...I played on the album so he asked me to sit in. This one is kind of out of my usuall sort of thing because its gospel and the shows are at church. Should be interesting though. I know the band will be great, I know most of the guys so I'm looking forward to getting over with this weekend in a joyfull manner. With that said, its time to leave the house.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Last night's trip from Montego Bay To Kingston
After three flights totaling roughly 22 hours with layovers between we finally arrived in Montego Bay. Immigration and customs was a breeze, much better than I expected because I've heard stories about that airport. The custom officer I went to was really nice too, although she did search all my bags she was pleasant about it and only did it because they were watching her (so she said). So she hurriedly went through my stuff and sent me on my way.
Originally I heard we were supposed to spend the night in Mobay and fly to Kingston this morning but that plan had changed. Instead a bus was hired to take us into Kingston, which added at least another 3 hours to our journey home. Upon exiting customs we saw a guy who obviously was waiting for us, we identified ourselves and so did he, then he summoned "one of his drivers". First when the bus pulled up we were all dumbstruck because after all our travels the last thing we would have expected to be taking us home was this little beat up old bus that looked like it would only go about 55mph. Then on top of that, there was some confusion with the fee he charged. Our management had negotiated for $250usd and now he was saying it's $350 because he didn't know we were coming in at that time of the night. We called management, they talked to him, agreed upon a price and we were off. During the drive however we got a text saying we should only pay the driver what they had originally discussed, which was $250.
The drive wasn't as long as I had expected it to be. The bus actually went faster than 55mph although we had to try and withstand all the carbon monoxide fumes circulating in the vehicle. One of our members lives in Portmore which is on the way to Kingston so he asked the driver to drop him off and actually paid the driver (a sum that we are unaware of). A few minutes before reaching our drop off point the person who management gave the money for the driver handed it to him. While driving he started to check it. Then he became disgruntled because it was only $250usd. We explained to him that this was what we had and what we were told it would be. He argued that his boss told him otherwise and he would not stand the loss so we had better pay up. So we suggested he call his boss and clarify the situation. 1am he was only getting voicemail from the only number he had for his boss. We continued arguing while directing him to where our drop off point was and upon arriving there, without stopping he decided he wouldn't drop us off but instead asked us where the closest police station was he could file a complaint and let them deal with the situation. Fine, we said, we'll direct you. On we went, and with each meter we drove he became more and more disgruntled. Suddenly as we were passing a gas station he pulled in and said "I'm not taking you anywhere, this is where you're coming out!" "I didn't get all of my money so come out here". Before I knew it, the other two members came out without a word. I wanted to stay in the vehicle and demand he take us to our destination because he had to pass it on his way back. But I said, you know, it's almost 2am and we're all tired and hungry, this is enough drama for one day. And I'm pretty sure that's how the others felt as well. All I said to him was, "this is where you're leaving us, after you already passed our destination?" He started rambling on, I came out, took our bags out, closed the door...not another word.
Mijanne & Ifidel (the two members I was with) had called their drives while this bus driver started his shit so they arrived on location within a few minutes of him leaving. My pick up on the other hand (my brother) was apparently sleeping because I called him around the same time and he didn't pick up. But I'm truly blessed to always be around kind and really nice people, Mijanne took me straight home. My phone rang when I was on the way, my bro still sounding half asleep "whe yuh deh now?" I told him I was fine and I sorted out a drive.
I am thankful that after everything we all made it home safely.
I'm here trying to think or come up with something bad to say about the driver and his boss and I just can't find the let's leave it at...
Originally I heard we were supposed to spend the night in Mobay and fly to Kingston this morning but that plan had changed. Instead a bus was hired to take us into Kingston, which added at least another 3 hours to our journey home. Upon exiting customs we saw a guy who obviously was waiting for us, we identified ourselves and so did he, then he summoned "one of his drivers". First when the bus pulled up we were all dumbstruck because after all our travels the last thing we would have expected to be taking us home was this little beat up old bus that looked like it would only go about 55mph. Then on top of that, there was some confusion with the fee he charged. Our management had negotiated for $250usd and now he was saying it's $350 because he didn't know we were coming in at that time of the night. We called management, they talked to him, agreed upon a price and we were off. During the drive however we got a text saying we should only pay the driver what they had originally discussed, which was $250.
The drive wasn't as long as I had expected it to be. The bus actually went faster than 55mph although we had to try and withstand all the carbon monoxide fumes circulating in the vehicle. One of our members lives in Portmore which is on the way to Kingston so he asked the driver to drop him off and actually paid the driver (a sum that we are unaware of). A few minutes before reaching our drop off point the person who management gave the money for the driver handed it to him. While driving he started to check it. Then he became disgruntled because it was only $250usd. We explained to him that this was what we had and what we were told it would be. He argued that his boss told him otherwise and he would not stand the loss so we had better pay up. So we suggested he call his boss and clarify the situation. 1am he was only getting voicemail from the only number he had for his boss. We continued arguing while directing him to where our drop off point was and upon arriving there, without stopping he decided he wouldn't drop us off but instead asked us where the closest police station was he could file a complaint and let them deal with the situation. Fine, we said, we'll direct you. On we went, and with each meter we drove he became more and more disgruntled. Suddenly as we were passing a gas station he pulled in and said "I'm not taking you anywhere, this is where you're coming out!" "I didn't get all of my money so come out here". Before I knew it, the other two members came out without a word. I wanted to stay in the vehicle and demand he take us to our destination because he had to pass it on his way back. But I said, you know, it's almost 2am and we're all tired and hungry, this is enough drama for one day. And I'm pretty sure that's how the others felt as well. All I said to him was, "this is where you're leaving us, after you already passed our destination?" He started rambling on, I came out, took our bags out, closed the door...not another word.
Mijanne & Ifidel (the two members I was with) had called their drives while this bus driver started his shit so they arrived on location within a few minutes of him leaving. My pick up on the other hand (my brother) was apparently sleeping because I called him around the same time and he didn't pick up. But I'm truly blessed to always be around kind and really nice people, Mijanne took me straight home. My phone rang when I was on the way, my bro still sounding half asleep "whe yuh deh now?" I told him I was fine and I sorted out a drive.
I am thankful that after everything we all made it home safely.
I'm here trying to think or come up with something bad to say about the driver and his boss and I just can't find the let's leave it at...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Home Bound
What am I up to today? 20 something hours of traveling back home. Mauritius has been enjoyable and somewhat relaxing. Time to go back to the hustle and bustle in the reality of being home - Kids, responsibilities, bills and the rehearsals I'm not prepared for.
Our route home will be the same we took to get here but in opposite direction and a slight twist at the end. Instead of flying from Miami to Kingston, I heard that after landing in Miami we drive to Fort Lauderdale, fly to Montego bay and spend the night, then leave for Kingston on Tuesday Morning. It's Sunday now and that's what I'll be up to for the next few days.
The wife is abroad for the holidays between NY and Baltimore so it will be just me and the boys (did I already say that in a previous blog?). Should be interesting, I've only been with them alone once a few years a go when Des went to NY for two weeks. This time it's three weeks, but realistically I'll only be there for about a week and a half because I'll be leaving Dec 26th for Nigeria - not one of my most fav places to be. But I'll try to let the boys enjoy the holidays and our time together.
Ok off to packing and stuff.
Our route home will be the same we took to get here but in opposite direction and a slight twist at the end. Instead of flying from Miami to Kingston, I heard that after landing in Miami we drive to Fort Lauderdale, fly to Montego bay and spend the night, then leave for Kingston on Tuesday Morning. It's Sunday now and that's what I'll be up to for the next few days.
The wife is abroad for the holidays between NY and Baltimore so it will be just me and the boys (did I already say that in a previous blog?). Should be interesting, I've only been with them alone once a few years a go when Des went to NY for two weeks. This time it's three weeks, but realistically I'll only be there for about a week and a half because I'll be leaving Dec 26th for Nigeria - not one of my most fav places to be. But I'll try to let the boys enjoy the holidays and our time together.
Ok off to packing and stuff.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Finally In Mauritius
Where do I begin? Do I say after 19 plus hours of traveling we arrived in Mauritius without luggage? Or do I say after finally getting to my room the air conditioning didn’t work and it took them 2 hours to find me another room. And this is after I actually walked all the way back to the lobby when I already called the reception twice to follow up on the room change which the maintenance guy had about when he realized he wouldn’t be able to fix the AC in my room. Or do I say I seemed to have lost $100 form my per diem and don’t ask me where or how.
Ok, so I won’t complain about the luggage because the airline actually got it here within a few hours of me checking in – while waiting for the room change. And based on a comment made by a friend, I’ll stop thinking about the $100 because maybe the person who finds it needs it more than I do. …although in my head, I’m thinking that I’d do well with that cash now. But the hotel won’t escape the wrath of my blog J
I’ve actually been here once before La Plantation Hotel in Mauritius - Two years ago. It’s seemed like a fairly new place. The grounds were kept nicely the rooms spick and span, clean. Now, I donno what to say, lack of maintenance maybe. I'm thinking in another two years it’s gonna be …hmmmmm, not so great a place to stay. There is still no internet in the rooms, I have to go to the lobby area. There are no travel adaptors at the front desk for guests. For a hotel that houses international acts all the time you’d think they would have those because not all travelers expect to see European style electrical outlets here. I actually have an adaptor but it’s configured a little different so it would have been good for the hotel to provide one (I had to go “MacGyver” in here).
And the attitude of the staff isn’t the friendly tropical vibe I’m used to. Or maybe that’s just because I’m pissed about waiting two hours for a simple change in room and there seemed to be no urgency to accommodate me. When I went to the front desk it was almost as if the receptionist didn’t believe that I had issues with the AC and she acted as if she was doing me a favor, and with no apology for the inconvenience.
We had lunch upon arriving because the rooms weren’t ready, no one was really thrilled about their meal…One person likened it to bad sex, it just wasn’t gratifying. I had a grilled chicken with fries, they messed up some of the orders – some people wanted baked or mashed potatoes and got fries instead and Ifidel’s chicken and mine were undercooked.
Ok I’m done bitchin’.
Just got a knock on the door…gift package with some kind of exotic rum, teas and other stuff. I guess I’m supposed to feel better now..Oh and the guy who brought it was quite polite and friendly.
You know what let’s see what dinner looks like after I’ve taken a shower and listened to some tunes.
I’ve never had an issue with Mauritius or it’s people, it’s just a really far way to travel and I’m lacking rest, food and ………...(you work it out). So I can bitch a little, you think?
Peace, Love Ya!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport
Sitting here in terminal 2F at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in a sort of limbo isn't what anyone of us expected after coming off an eight or nine hour flight. We had expected to just get our on going boarding passes and move towards the boarding gate, have breakfast and kill the time browsing the stores etc. But, or original flight was canceled so now we have to wait in 'limbo' till the airline works out another flight and or arrangements for us.
I'm not upset or anything, just cold and hungry. Everyone here seems fine so far, just cold..Apparently it snowed last night here, upon our approach everything was covered in white for miles and thus I assume the reason for our outbound flight being canceled, even though our flight would have been around 8pm tonight. So we would still have a long layover but now we just aren't sure how long of a layover it will be.
The flight from Miami was ok, I slept for most of it as usual. Just looking forward to getting to Mauritius, having a good meal, some rest and a workout. ..Oh...and brush up on all the tunes :-)..Look out for the new blog "On The Road With....." to see what's up when I get to Mauritius, just as long as I have a good internet connection.
I'm not upset or anything, just cold and hungry. Everyone here seems fine so far, just cold..Apparently it snowed last night here, upon our approach everything was covered in white for miles and thus I assume the reason for our outbound flight being canceled, even though our flight would have been around 8pm tonight. So we would still have a long layover but now we just aren't sure how long of a layover it will be.
The flight from Miami was ok, I slept for most of it as usual. Just looking forward to getting to Mauritius, having a good meal, some rest and a workout. ..Oh...and brush up on all the tunes :-)..Look out for the new blog "On The Road With....." to see what's up when I get to Mauritius, just as long as I have a good internet connection.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Haven't Packed Yet
I leave tomorrow for Mauritius with Diana King and I haven't even started looking for what I'm packing. It's gonna be some long travel hours ...*sigh*.. When will they be able to just "beam us up" LOL.
So Des leaves this Friday for her holiday trip to NY & Baltimore, she deserves a break from the kids and stuff...She always has them, so I guess it's my turn to "hold the fort".
Got a couple things to sort out today and guess what's the main thing to sort stuff out...hmmm, yep money! I wont get into all that now still, I'm actually tired of hearing myself talk or "bitch" about money and all that so I wont go there today. I'm sure it will all work out soon ...trying to be optimistic here, not one of my strong points. I think that "optimistic gene" skipped a few generations in my family..both my parents are totally NOT, they're usually mostly ominous thinkers. Anyhow, life is what you make it right? So lets make it great. Donald Trump said "you're gonna think anyways, so why not think big?"
When I get back next Monday it will be me, the boys and visits from a girl. The girl being Des' little sister, one of my closest friends, what's the term nowadays BFF? Something like that LOL.. Anyhow it's about time to turn this thing of and get started with the day.
So Des leaves this Friday for her holiday trip to NY & Baltimore, she deserves a break from the kids and stuff...She always has them, so I guess it's my turn to "hold the fort".
Got a couple things to sort out today and guess what's the main thing to sort stuff out...hmmm, yep money! I wont get into all that now still, I'm actually tired of hearing myself talk or "bitch" about money and all that so I wont go there today. I'm sure it will all work out soon ...trying to be optimistic here, not one of my strong points. I think that "optimistic gene" skipped a few generations in my family..both my parents are totally NOT, they're usually mostly ominous thinkers. Anyhow, life is what you make it right? So lets make it great. Donald Trump said "you're gonna think anyways, so why not think big?"
When I get back next Monday it will be me, the boys and visits from a girl. The girl being Des' little sister, one of my closest friends, what's the term nowadays BFF? Something like that LOL.. Anyhow it's about time to turn this thing of and get started with the day.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Almost Bedtime
What can I say about the weekend now?...Since Thursday I've been back in my "down" mood. More bills & stuff to pay for that I don't physically have the money to do now. Won't get into any details about it all, can't be bothered now.
There's in interesting opportunity I might be getting involved. I spoke to someone last night about doing some work (performing) in countries far and beyond..LOL..yeah,...Anyhow, turns out that whole thing isn't for me, not now anyways but the conversation turned into something else that's still good and I'd be providing a service to more than one party so I'm curious to see where it takes me.
I still haven't learned Tessanne's songs in depth yet...Still just blank about learning and whatever...Today I actually was doing some guitar tracks on a song for a little school who wanted a TV track done. And wow, I need to get serious again about practicing because that one little song took me longer than I expected. A song called "Christmas Shoes" ..with a child singing it..Quite a sad song I think but still a great composition and song in general.
It's not that it was a hard song to play, but just how the acoustic guitar was played, it took some time to get the interpretation right. I'm not proud of the final product but it's all the time I could put into it. It does sound fairly decent though. And for a TV track that will be used maybe only once at a school concert, it will do.
I worked out today, been doing good. It's the way to be, fit & healthy. Good stuff. I change it up everyday, never the same workout consecutively. And I probably only work out 3 to 4 times a week. Though I am aiming to have a great looking body, the importance lies on sticking with it until I'm too old to continue. Hopefully I do get my great looking body along the way :-)
I think that's it for now. I'm going to start a new blog "On The Road". That will be somewhat of a journal of the happenings of when I'm on tour, no matter who I'm out with. So look out for that.
Peace Love & Happiness
There's in interesting opportunity I might be getting involved. I spoke to someone last night about doing some work (performing) in countries far and beyond..LOL..yeah,...Anyhow, turns out that whole thing isn't for me, not now anyways but the conversation turned into something else that's still good and I'd be providing a service to more than one party so I'm curious to see where it takes me.
I still haven't learned Tessanne's songs in depth yet...Still just blank about learning and whatever...Today I actually was doing some guitar tracks on a song for a little school who wanted a TV track done. And wow, I need to get serious again about practicing because that one little song took me longer than I expected. A song called "Christmas Shoes" ..with a child singing it..Quite a sad song I think but still a great composition and song in general.
It's not that it was a hard song to play, but just how the acoustic guitar was played, it took some time to get the interpretation right. I'm not proud of the final product but it's all the time I could put into it. It does sound fairly decent though. And for a TV track that will be used maybe only once at a school concert, it will do.
I worked out today, been doing good. It's the way to be, fit & healthy. Good stuff. I change it up everyday, never the same workout consecutively. And I probably only work out 3 to 4 times a week. Though I am aiming to have a great looking body, the importance lies on sticking with it until I'm too old to continue. Hopefully I do get my great looking body along the way :-)
I think that's it for now. I'm going to start a new blog "On The Road". That will be somewhat of a journal of the happenings of when I'm on tour, no matter who I'm out with. So look out for that.
Peace Love & Happiness
Friday, December 3, 2010
Just finished watching the movie 'Town" with Ben Affleck. I liked it. He wrote & directed it too.
Again, rehearsals are coming along...I'm still just really over playing/working for other artists though. Yesterday I said I lost my zeal for playing guitars...I think that's the issue, I've been playing mostly for other artist and feel like I'm not getting the chance to do my own thing and it's frustrating me. Especially when I have to put a lot of time and energy into learning their stuff. ...Like, all that effort and at the end of the day it's just another paycheck. And when that paycheck goes into my monthly expenses I'm back at square one.
Yeah, I guess I'm just venting...ranting randomly. Guess this is my outlet for all or most of the shit I don't say usually and the thing is, it doesn't even matter if anyone reads long as I let it out. Ahhhhh....this is my therapy :-) yeah, whatever.
Nothing really interesting happened today, rehearsal, Myles' bandage got pulled off by some ass of a kid at school today so I had to come home and do it over...and now I have to take him back to the doc tomorrow to get it done right.
That's basically it....
Hey whenever you decide to have kids remember it's not easy, it's full time and it's not all fun. It can be a lot of work.
With that said.
Again, rehearsals are coming along...I'm still just really over playing/working for other artists though. Yesterday I said I lost my zeal for playing guitars...I think that's the issue, I've been playing mostly for other artist and feel like I'm not getting the chance to do my own thing and it's frustrating me. Especially when I have to put a lot of time and energy into learning their stuff. ...Like, all that effort and at the end of the day it's just another paycheck. And when that paycheck goes into my monthly expenses I'm back at square one.
Yeah, I guess I'm just venting...ranting randomly. Guess this is my outlet for all or most of the shit I don't say usually and the thing is, it doesn't even matter if anyone reads long as I let it out. Ahhhhh....this is my therapy :-) yeah, whatever.
Nothing really interesting happened today, rehearsal, Myles' bandage got pulled off by some ass of a kid at school today so I had to come home and do it over...and now I have to take him back to the doc tomorrow to get it done right.
That's basically it....
Hey whenever you decide to have kids remember it's not easy, it's full time and it's not all fun. It can be a lot of work.
With that said.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The rehearsal today was ok, managed to attempt three songs. They actually changed the date for the launch now so it's Jan 4th. That's due to lack of preparation and availability of the musicians. We still have to rehearse though, while we are available to do so.
I realized something today, I've totally lost my zeal for playing the guitar. And to make it worse, Monty came to the rehearsal today, Tessanne's second guitarist (the guy who fills in for me when I can't make gigs with Shaggy or anyone else, he's the first person I call). And... dude really can play, very well too. So I'm like, "why do I even bother?"
I think I need to go away somewhere for a couple months or something, alone, off the grid, get my thoughts together...get my whole life together .......
Last week I told myself that music would no longer be the priority, got to find another source of income and make it the primary one, music would be what I do for fun. Looks like I've planted a seed that's slowly turning me off of playing now...
It's all sort of a contradiction because I'm hear scheduling time every week to come up with concepts to write songs which has been going ok. But, I's what I's all I know....for now anyways..
Ok that's it for tonight, gonna go bake a banana bread and go to bed.
I realized something today, I've totally lost my zeal for playing the guitar. And to make it worse, Monty came to the rehearsal today, Tessanne's second guitarist (the guy who fills in for me when I can't make gigs with Shaggy or anyone else, he's the first person I call). And... dude really can play, very well too. So I'm like, "why do I even bother?"
I think I need to go away somewhere for a couple months or something, alone, off the grid, get my thoughts together...get my whole life together .......
Last week I told myself that music would no longer be the priority, got to find another source of income and make it the primary one, music would be what I do for fun. Looks like I've planted a seed that's slowly turning me off of playing now...
It's all sort of a contradiction because I'm hear scheduling time every week to come up with concepts to write songs which has been going ok. But, I's what I's all I know....for now anyways..
Ok that's it for tonight, gonna go bake a banana bread and go to bed.
Thus Starts The Day
So It's 9:48am and I'm supposed to be at rehearsals by 10am. I haven't even showered yet. Been listening to the songs and being overwhelmed by the parts that I need to learn. I know I'll eventually get them but WOW...not today.
So how are you feeling today? have anything to share or get off your chest?..You can let me know.
Dec 2...and thus starts the day
So how are you feeling today? have anything to share or get off your chest?..You can let me know.
Dec 2...and thus starts the day
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
No Rehearsal
There was actually no rehearsal today. We all went, set up the gear but due to the fact that we all didn't get any music to listen and learn prior to meeting up today, it wouldn't have been productive at all to even attempt playing anything. So the plan was, get the music this evening, learn the songs and ROCK OUT tomorrow. Hmmmm, easier said than done. Though I know most of Tessanne's old material, I'm clueless on the new stuff and I've only received three songs via email up to this point and I'm going to bed shortly. So, tomorrow will be interesting. I will learn the songs in the morning, whatever the amount is in my mailbox tomorrow, I'll try and get through them.
I stopped by my dad's house today, Salim (my eldest son) was with me. We chatted with him for a while about exercise and getting in shape. Then he got a phone call that when he was done talking to the person on the line, I thought I was the one who just came off the phone. He was saying pretty much the same stuff I said in my blog last night - bills, his age, need to do other things besides music.
Then I began thinking, are we all destined do follow in our parents' footsteps? I doubt it. So is it that just like when we were kids and learned by mimicking our parents we do it in adulthood as well, subconsciously putting ourselves in the same situation because that's what we've learned to do?...Sounds possible, but I doubt that too.
Breaking the pattern is always an option. Life has many options, you just have to put yourself in the mindset to see them. .... I'm actually reaffirming myself by saying that. I have to.
With that said, I bid you all a good night or day wherever you are, peace be with you.
PS almost forgot. If you don't know who Tessanne Chin is click HERE to find out.
I stopped by my dad's house today, Salim (my eldest son) was with me. We chatted with him for a while about exercise and getting in shape. Then he got a phone call that when he was done talking to the person on the line, I thought I was the one who just came off the phone. He was saying pretty much the same stuff I said in my blog last night - bills, his age, need to do other things besides music.
Then I began thinking, are we all destined do follow in our parents' footsteps? I doubt it. So is it that just like when we were kids and learned by mimicking our parents we do it in adulthood as well, subconsciously putting ourselves in the same situation because that's what we've learned to do?...Sounds possible, but I doubt that too.
Breaking the pattern is always an option. Life has many options, you just have to put yourself in the mindset to see them. .... I'm actually reaffirming myself by saying that. I have to.
With that said, I bid you all a good night or day wherever you are, peace be with you.
PS almost forgot. If you don't know who Tessanne Chin is click HERE to find out.
Tessanne Chin Rehearsal
Rehearsals today with Tessanne Chin for her album launch next Tuesday Dec 7th. Should be a fun gig, it always is.
I've liked her since I met her in 2004.....But she's a Virgo ...if you know Virgos you'll know what I mean. Anyhow I always seem to be attracted to Virgos though, and they and I are usually good friends. least when we get to meet up or whatever.
The first time I played for her was maybe 2005 or 2006, ...Great songs, great musicians, a lot of guitar work and she is an amazing singer. So as I said, it should be fun.
I've liked her since I met her in 2004.....But she's a Virgo ...if you know Virgos you'll know what I mean. Anyhow I always seem to be attracted to Virgos though, and they and I are usually good friends. least when we get to meet up or whatever.
The first time I played for her was maybe 2005 or 2006, ...Great songs, great musicians, a lot of guitar work and she is an amazing singer. So as I said, it should be fun.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
G. Night
Going to bed now, been a full day I guess...Myles (my youngest son) has an infected finger. Got some antibiotic suspension & got it dressed...Doc says to come again on Thursday.
I'm a little irritated....heard some stuff today regarding my mom so I'm worried about that plus all the other stuff I'm worried about already. so...hmmm life goes on right?
Maybe this blog thing will work out. Maybe I do have some shit to say.
Faith......FAITH....hmmm, keep my know what, I won't comment further on that. Maybe I just gotta get my head right. Faith without works is futile. Maybe I haven't put in enough work. But check it, all work and no pay makes dubz a dull boy...No it's not a typo.
Hey, whatever man....Sometimes when I think about it, I'm 34 with a wife & two in a 2br rented apartment, my mom needs somewhere to live now and the bills come more than the checks...for now anyway..that's been my reality for the pass year or so.
I do have a lot to be thankful for. Which may even outweigh my worries, BUT for what my reality is at present, work it out...more bills than checks DOESN'T BALANCE quite right does it?
I posted on twitter today that I'm not a good thinker. Maybe I can learn "good thinking" skills so as to make my "situation" better. Or maybe I should just continue making music until it's my time to shine. Yet, all these maybes doesn't change the PRESENT situation. food for thought...yeah, the random rambling of me...think you've had enough now...
Have a good night
I'm a little irritated....heard some stuff today regarding my mom so I'm worried about that plus all the other stuff I'm worried about already. so...hmmm life goes on right?
Maybe this blog thing will work out. Maybe I do have some shit to say.
Faith......FAITH....hmmm, keep my know what, I won't comment further on that. Maybe I just gotta get my head right. Faith without works is futile. Maybe I haven't put in enough work. But check it, all work and no pay makes dubz a dull boy...No it's not a typo.
Hey, whatever man....Sometimes when I think about it, I'm 34 with a wife & two in a 2br rented apartment, my mom needs somewhere to live now and the bills come more than the checks...for now anyway..that's been my reality for the pass year or so.
I do have a lot to be thankful for. Which may even outweigh my worries, BUT for what my reality is at present, work it out...more bills than checks DOESN'T BALANCE quite right does it?
I posted on twitter today that I'm not a good thinker. Maybe I can learn "good thinking" skills so as to make my "situation" better. Or maybe I should just continue making music until it's my time to shine. Yet, all these maybes doesn't change the PRESENT situation. food for thought...yeah, the random rambling of me...think you've had enough now...
Have a good night
The session yesterday was ok...Took a little longer than I would have hoped, but then again, maybe I'm just impatient. TOK (jamaican dancehall group) did a cover of an old Viceroys tune.
Today though, I have bills to pay & my little son to take to the Doc. Seems something bit him on his thumb last saturday and it still hasn't shown any sign of healing...So...gonna sort that out today...
That's basically it.
I had an idea about selling beats online, googled it last night, and saw a whole bunch of people already doing that....maybe it's not for me, or maybe all I have to figure out is how to make mine better :-)
Anyhow, check out this song...My most recent "release" I Wanna Hurt You featuring Shaggy
Today though, I have bills to pay & my little son to take to the Doc. Seems something bit him on his thumb last saturday and it still hasn't shown any sign of healing...So...gonna sort that out today...
That's basically it.
I had an idea about selling beats online, googled it last night, and saw a whole bunch of people already doing that....maybe it's not for me, or maybe all I have to figure out is how to make mine better :-)
Anyhow, check out this song...My most recent "release" I Wanna Hurt You featuring Shaggy
Monday, November 29, 2010
Going to a studio Session with my Bro.
Gonna do a session today with my Bro & a few other people. Should be fun....Got some ideas working on for a business too...should be great...
I might have some pictures later, or not. Yeah, I'm not much of a picture guy.
Anyhow, this is my first attempt at blogging so I'll learn as I go along.
Have a great day
I might have some pictures later, or not. Yeah, I'm not much of a picture guy.
Anyhow, this is my first attempt at blogging so I'll learn as I go along.
Have a great day
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